Fuh my last entry was before Valentine's Day. Yes, have been busy with work and children. In between I got my braces done. My orthodontist suggested Damon Clear Brackets and it has been in place for two weeks now. So far so good, I have yet to see the full effect but I will discuss that in another post.
So what have I ventured into lately.
Aha, body care or more like anti cellulite, body firming and skin care to be exact.
I have been using Elemis Camellia Oil when I was pregnant with my two children and it was good on my dry skin. It was also effective on stretch marks but I guess I slacked off during my second pregnancy thinking that my skin and body will bounce back. Well it kinda did but at a much slower pace and I was left with some unsightly marks on my butt, thigh and stomach. Blame it on my daughter who is heavier than her brother of course.
I consulted my friend who is a beautician or asthetician. OK many people does not like beautician/asthetician but I trust my friend cause she definitely have a hand in keeping my face off from acne, sun spots and blackheads for the last 12 years I must say. She suggested why don't I start with some radio frequency treatment (RX Treatment) to firm up my saggy stomach skin coupled with anti cellulite or skin firming cream to assist my problem areas.
OK I have been using the cream and have undergone 3 RX Treatment and I am pleased to say the very least. Stomach is not so bulgy and skin is firmer and the best thing is that H was asking 'wow your stomach is flat now'. Comments coming from H is a positive thing since he rarely ever realise what I have done with myself (whether I have recently dyed or cut my hair or others). I have 3 more RX Treatment and since I have ran our of the anti cellulite cream given I have decided to go back to Elemis to try out the Cellutox Active Body Concentrate after hearing rave
(This is the 200ml Elemis Cellutox - Ha ha check out my I-Phone charger sticking out from the photo)
Note of Caution:
Pregnant and Nursing woman should refrain from using any of these or any other slimming products for fearing that the ingredients may be absorbed into your body and be transferred to the baby. As such if you are pregnant do not be wary about how you will look, because YES pregnant woman put on weight and it is natural. Just try to lose your pregnancy weight in stages and in a healthy manner like exercising and eating right for example. It took me 3 months to lose weight with my first child and 7-8 months with my second. Actually I did not exercise at all (ha ha, quite bad huh), I ate like normal or even more as I was fully breastfeeding my child for up to 15 months. Yes, breastfeeding helps you to lose weight. It is not easy but it is worth it. However I am back to my exercise regime, though not as often as I should like but at least twice a week, be it swimming or running on the treadmill.
Alright back to the oil and cream, I will give it a try and let you know the results in at least 2-3 weeks time. It should be good.
To all pregnant ladies - enjoy being pregnant and all nursing mothers - be happy bonding with your babies!