It has been awhile since I do any body cleansing ... urm as a matter in fact I never do any body cleansing. Ha ha ha. Yup, I have heard of many fads and diets and juice detox etc etc .. I guess my major problem is that I could never stick to it. I can maybe stick to my gym and pool but other than that I do love to eat. I also do not post any food pictures as most of the time I would have finished my meal before I could take out my camera to snap a picture or two.
So what is the next best thing ... soul cleansing. During the December break my whole family decided to go back to nature.
We went to this place called Eight Acres. It is in Pahang, well some where in Raub and located in the palm oil plantation. I did not drive so I cannot really describe the way or how to get there. But I am posting a direct link to their website so that you can go check it out if you wish.
The thing that I like best about this place is the water fall. My kids love it and it is a good picnic spot too. The accommodation that I was staying in is called the Java House which is perched on a slope next to the water fall. It is a sight to behold when we are staying in the House and we get to hear the rushing sound of the water and enjoy the beautiful view as well.
The Waterfall
The Pond where you can do your boating in.
The Dining Area and the Wooden Path surrounding the Tatami Area
The Tour around the area seeing Tualang trees, Durian trees and others.
The children get to see oil palm or is it palm oil (ehhh) first hand.
As you see this is not a descriptive or where I provide information of what you can do at Eight Acres but more on what my family did there. It was good for the children though my son rejected the pony ride and the boat ride (of course H could not find my son's pants and decided to put my daughter's pants on him). All in all it was a good experience for the young ones. As for my father in law (FIL) who is an avid camper he may find this a child's play but I guess spending time with the family is great as there is no where to run to.
I think in the future if I do come here again I may not want to stay in the Java House as I dislike the toilet/bath. It is really basic and it's a cemented four wall toilet. I like my toilet nice and spanky clean in white. I mean the toilet there is clean but because it is environmental friendly some may not like the natural odour of the toilet. Ha ha. The toilet is also open air in the sense that the roof is perched on four pillars and the top part is open so air flows through. Urmm, on a cold day it is not that great as the heating system is not at top notch operation when I was there.
In all it was a quick getaway as I only stayed there for one night.
Note: The food served was good. There were fresh fishes caught from the nearby ponds cooked in many styles to serve your taste bud (again no food photo taken :)
I think the Owners of Eight Acres are doing a good job in trying to introduce nature to city dwellers like me, though when I was younger I used to visit my grandmother who lives near a rubber plantation and my mother used to take my siblings and I fishing in the clearest stream located in the plantation. Then we would pick up rubber seeds and wild fruits before charcoal roasting the sweet potatoes that we brought along for lunch. Unfortunately the plantation had since been sold and converted to an industrial area with plenty of factories built on it. It is unfortunate, hopefully there are more places like Eight Acres so that I can still live on my memories.
So go out and venture the nature today!